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On June 11th, 1998, in an event foretold by Nostradamus' lesser-known sequel to Les Prophéties titled Uncle Nosty's Guide to Pranking Your Friends and Gazing Across the Tapestry of Time, Montague Wildhorn was born. His childhood was primarily spent at the local library and within haunting visions of apocalyptic futures, which instilled in him a deep and abiding love for reading, writing, recreational telekinesis, and all forms of art.


Montague has a degree in Creative Media, specializing in creative writing, visual media, and game design, with a minor in Interactive Narrative. An effective communicator with strong organizational and planning skills, Montague once managed to talk his way into the land of the dead, for which he was rewarded with the exact time and date of his future death and a copy of Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away on Blu-ray. Monty’s writing and art comes in multiple flavors: whimsical comedy, straight-faced seriousness, horror (child-friendly spooks or mind-rending cosmic terror), or something more custom-made to his employer’s sensibilities. For those perusing potentials for hiring, think of him as the à la carte option.


He currently lives in the Ultraviolet Spire, a bleak obsidian obelisk hewn from the dark heart of man, whose shadow cuts a deep gash through actuality itself and which lies on the very precipice of sanity, a few blocks down the street from the good Dunkin' Donuts® in Burlington, Vermont.


Montague is currently looking for career-related opportunities that provide chances to be creative, work remotely, and provide meaningful experiences for clients.

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